Common moose predators
Common moose predators

There is a pretty long history of killing and hunting of moose in the United States.

common moose predators

Unfortunately, the biggest danger to an adult moose is getting hit by a car. Wolves are the most common predators for the moose. The calves stay with Mom for about a year until the next mating season the following spring.Īdult moose are too big to have many predators, but bears, wolves, and cougars prey on calves. Cows typically give birth to one or two calves in the spring. When mating season is over in the fall, bulls shed their antlers and head off to be alone until next year’s mating season. Female moose, called cows, don’t have antlers. They use the pointy ends of their shovel-shaped headgear to fight with other males when competing for mates. Male moose, called bulls, begin growing their antlers in the early spring. A full-grown moose can gobble up to 70 pounds of food a day. Year-round, moose snack mostly on leaves, stems, twigs, and the bark of small shrubs-and they eat plenty of all of these things. An adult moose can run up to 35 miles an hour for short distances and 20 miles an hour for longer runs. When the winter ice melts, moose spend much of their time swimming in lakes and rivers to keep their body temperature down on hot days, sometimes swimming without stopping for 10 or more miles. Their wide hooves act like snowshoes to help them walk in the snow or in muddy, marshy ground after the white stuff melts. Moose primarily live in areas that have cold, snowy winters. The massive moose (weighing nearly 2,000 pounds) is the largest animal in the deer family. Talk, make your presence known and slowly back away in the direction you came.

common moose predators

It is against Utah law to allow dogs to chase or harass protected wildlife, like moose. Keep dogs leashed and under control at all times. In addition, there can also be a disconnect between prey density and prey habitat selection that may be explained by the leap-frogging hypothesis (Sih 2005 ). Always give the moose a lot of space and watch its behavior. The moose’s antlers-which stretch nearly six feet wide from tip to tip-drip water as the animal exits the water and trots toward the forest. Though caribou were secondary prey to moose and existed at a low density, as were elk in our study, caribou space out and away from predators as opposed to elk which aggregate. A moose swims across a mountain lake, reaching the shore alongside a forest.

Common moose predators